Finding purpose at Construction Site By Jenesh Lal Shrestha
Working with French volunteers on VIN’s provided me a sense of purpose at construction site. Volunteering at VIN was wonderful, to say the least. I chose to volunteer because I wanted to give back something to the community which has provided me so much and also to get an opportunity to work with international volunteers.
I vividly remember my first day when I carried 6 bricks on my back- I felt I had broken my back then. Yet, I knew it was worth it. Seeing the French people toil so energetically inspired me to work relentlessly as well. The homeowner kept thanking me for my service, but I thought it was just part of my responsibility.
Besides learning about the house constructing process and enhancing my physical strengths, there were several other takeaways. It made me realize how fortunate I was to live under a proper roof when others are living in shabby barely there structures on the verge of collapse. Also, I got to learn about French culture, their lifestyles, etc. In the process, I made many new friends whom I won’t forget for a long time- after all, I had a great time working with them.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank VIN for providing me such a platform to reflect who I am. And I hope to continue serving my community whenever I get a chance.