Child Club Meeting Conducted by VIN
Staff of Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN) along with the facilitators of Children Club and other members of United Child Club conducted a meeting on 4th November. The meeting was focused to discuss on the various issues of child club. The meeting was attended by the child club members, facilitators and teachers from eight different schools Nagarjun Secondary School, Jitpur Secoandary School, Kalikasharan Secondary School, North Star Secondary School, Tarkeshwor Secondary School, Khadwalkot Primary School, Saraswati Primary School and Mahadevsthan Primary School. All the members of the respective schools discussed and decided on various issues.
The first thing that was discussed in the meeting was about regular publication of Child Magazine on the occasion of New Year 2017. To publish the magazine, the meeting decided on the editing committee in the same meeting, The magazine is published every year with the coordination of VIN and the United Child Club.
The major aim of publishing the magazine is to provide a platform for the creativity of the children. Children in the Jitpurphedi community are talented in various genres. However, they do not have proper platform to expose their talent. So, with publication of this magazine, children can publicize and enhance their skill in fiction, poem, essay and so forth. Even though the children get to expose their talent only in the written form, they are happy about the fact that they at least have a platform.
Besides deciding on the publication of the magazine, VIN wants to introduce a lot many more programs that helps the children to enhance their skill in different sectors. VIN does conduct different types of programs that helps to sharpen the creativity of the children in the community. However, they need more platforms. So, VIN is working to bring other important projects that help in the further development in the creativity of the children.