ECD Parents Meeting in Jiturphedi Community
ECD program has been provided by VIN in Jitpur community from 2007. It includes 9 ECD classes. 6 of them are public school based, 2 are private school based and 1 is community based. VIN helped in maintaining classroom, providing teaching skills, hygienic and entertainment equipment to every class.
VIN has organized a ECD parents meeting on 8,9 and 10th December 2014 in Jitpur Higher Secondary School,Kalikasaran High School and Northstar High School Tinpiple,Jitpurphedi VDC, Kathmandu. It was conducted for all ECD parents of schools. The main objectives ware to inform about sectors of childhood development, inform about balance diet and nutrition, inform about child diseases, inform about teaching and learning process, collect the comments of both parents and teachers and find their solution as well. On the orientation the participants were ECD teachers, head teachers and parents .
VIN staff conducted the class of different type of development under five years children like; growth development ,mental development, educational development, emotional development, social development ,creativity development. And after there were taking about this stage children’s nutrition and common diseases by lacking nutrition as well. VIN taught more about source of vitamin and protein .Second session there were collecting feedback from parents and children and talk about how to improve the ECD from existing condition. Near about 50 parents benefited from this orientation.
This is regular program of VIN for that community. It has been supporting for early child development by different aspect so those ECD centers are more child friendly. Parents have not more negative comment to the schools and teachers. It is concluded from parents comments that most of the parents are happy from ECD environment.