Experience with VIN
With the end of my SLC exam, I was having a leisure time and I wanted to do something different use this time wisely. I wanted to something I had never tried and had experienced before. I spent some time surfing the internet on what can be the best thing to do to utilize my free time and the suggestion of volunteering was the best thing I came across. I surfed further to find a platform for volunteering and in no time I found Volunteering Initiative Nepal (VIN). I went through it in detail. I found that it was exactly what I wanted to do.
Work Experience:
It was important to understand about the office in detail before I joined. So, I called the VIN office and took information about it. I was asked to attend the induction. I had no idea of what would happen in the induction so I was very curious to know about it.
After I attended the induction I came to know about what kinds of project does VIN have and how VIN works. I also gained some information about the cultural values and working areas of VIN. At the end of the induction, I was assigned the task that I would have to do for VIN’s project. Most of my work was based in the office itself. I got involved in documentation, formatting, typing and so forth in the office. Besides, I also went to welcome international volunteers at airport.
Working for the documentation and interaction with international volunteers taught me a lot of things. VIN helped me to be confident about my leadership skills. I got opportunity to attend various trainings VIN conducted. It was also a great opportunity to meet people from all over the world and interaction with them excited me to volunteer at VIN even more. And things do not end here. I had been to very few places of the Kathmandu valley and this volunteering opportunity helped me to explore the city and its neighboring districts in detail.
I appreciate the platform I got in course of volunteering at VIN. It was a golden opportunity for me to explore myself as it was my first experience in this field. I enjoyed volunteering a lot as it extended my link not only with the Nepalese but also the most renowned countries of the world. Also, I can’t explain about the staffs of VIN. They helped me in all possible ways during my volunteering period at VIN. I finally would like to suggest everyone who wants to spend their time doing something remarkable to join VIN as I found it to be the best platform.
Words: Roshan Khatiwada