Free Health Camp at School
VIN volunteers and public health and medical care team has visited Saraswoti School at Jitpur to conduct one day free health camp. The camp was conducted among primary school children where23 children of 3-12 years were benefited. It was found that most of the children were suffered from common cold, diarrheal diseases, and toothache. One of the children was found severe sick with high fever. Children were provided free treatment. Also they were taught about basic hygiene and sanitation. All school children were provided tooth brushes to continue teeth brushing. In this campaign there were 5 public from same village to get health check up.
VIN, under Community health and Medical care project, has been conducting School health program regularly at Jitpur. Health camp is a component of school health project which ensures at least two times health check up of children in a year. Major objectives of health camp were to check general health of the children, to screen the oral hygiene of the children, de worming the children by providing Albendazole, to aware children on hygiene and sanitation.
It was found that school health program has contributed to improve the health status of children and also reduced the absence rate of children due to sick. Children are getting aware on health hygiene and sanitation. It is proved by the view delivered by vice principal of the school- “Health camp conducted by VIN has helped to improve health of primary school children. It helped to motivate children practicing health and hygiene. ” Bimala Basnet, Principal Saraswoti School, Chogaun.
VIN volunteers, underPublic health and medical care program, have contributed to deliver health projects to target groups. They worked in a team or by person and support in service delivery. They conduct camps, teach school children about correct health and hygiene practices and involve them in community development & environment conservation. It might be a great opportunity to support the poor marginalized and underserved people through VIN projects. Are you interested to join us and get involved into the development projects? Join us.