Organic Farming Training to Women
Training on organic farming was conducted in Jitpur under VIN’s Women empowerment project. The major aim of the project was to increase women income generation capacityby adopting modern technique of farming. It has a primary purpose of introduction, intensification and optimization of organic production, environmental protection and promotion and supporting access of farmer’s organic products to local, regional and international markets.
The small scale holders who are most affected by the prohibitive cost of agricultural production and escalating land degradation through contamination by toxic inputs and loss of fertility through erosion are benefited through this training.
Organic farming is farming in harmony with nature respecting natural cycle, natural land fertility, animal welfare, landscape features and rural development. Organic agriculture is based on minimizing the use of external inputs, avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
Women empowerment project team has conducted trainings to 3 women groups for 2 days each. There were about 20 women in each training. As a result women get opportunity to get involved into VIN’s initiative in Organic farming. This training was useful for all the trainees who get involved during the two days classes. In the two days program learners were learned about the definition, merits and demerits and practical class for the formulation of biological pesticides also they learn the pesticides formulation techniques which would be beneficial to them whenever they want.
The organic farming techniques that was theoretically and practically learn would be much more effective and efficient if that comes in use in their realistic life.They symbolized by the sign of nodded head during the time of training and shows good appreciation towards VIN’s training. They expect such type of trainings in near future and to follow up them regularly.They assure Organic farming would be their profession and the source of income generation in the near future.