School Uniform and Bag Distributed
VIN organised a meeting of parents, Classroom Management Committee (CMS), Students and Partner organization today, school uniform and bag distributed for the children of Flexible Schooling Programme (FSP) at Gongabu, Kathmandu. VIN has been running FSP from two years for early childhood development. There are 18 conflict victim children between the age 9-15. After the programme, the children will be admitted to the high school for main streaming of education.
We also distributed the prizes for the one who had excellent performance last year at different areas. All stakeholdres, including parents, DEO, CASP/ JICA and CMC are very happy to the children’s performance. We would like to thank our Focal Person (FP), Dinesh Khatiwada, facilitator, Bimala Lama and the Educational Volunteers, Srijana Adhikari and Kalpan for their outstanding support.