Toilet Construction Project in Jitpurphedi
VIN has been supporting for personal toilet construction Project since 2009 in Jitpurphedi VDC, Kathmandu. It is related to community health project of VIN. The major objects are to improve health and hygiene facility by assuring all families have toilet for community people and also support of government on open defecate free village.
The process of toilet construction program was collecting data by using PRA (Participatory rural Appraisal) method. And after, VIN collects the family information with individually and screens that family who cannot build toilet because of economic problem. VIN conducted the meeting with family as a phase wise.
On the construction period VIN has been supporting to give non local materials for example 4bags cement, 20kg iron rod,2 pieces roof materials, pan set and dhalan wire and also mobilize local and international volunteers for construction work and also continues supervision and monitoring work by VIN office staffs.
On December 1st , 3 Danish International volunteers are involving in household in Jitpur for the toilet construction and risk and disaster management. Volunteers were helping on digging hole of safety tank, cutting stone, help to skill labor for making safety tank wall and toilet house etc .International volunteers are supporting of all toilet construction work from 10.00 Am to 4.00 pm from Monday to Friday.
On December 5th, 2 volunteers from Saudi Arab are also involving in household in Jitpurphedi Dada Gaun and Balami Gaun for the toilet construction and risk and disaster management. Volunteers were helping on carrying stones and motivating the family to build the toilet and how to be safe when risk and disaster occur.
The construction project is very popular in community because individual family is directly benefited by improving their health and raising their prestige and growing their quality of life. They thank to VIN and international volunteer’s work. And also they were happy for our contribution towards them.