VIN Prepared Community Plan for 2008
VIN has prepared Community Action Plan for 2008 with the involvement with community stakeholdres, e.g community leaders, students, women, teachers, youths in its working site Jitpur.
The agreed activities with Women are:
- Women literacy (which is now in operation, 150 women)
- Income Generative Activities (e.g. Vegetable farming, chicken farming, sawing and handicrafts) about 150 women directly benefiting
- Forage development (Environment)
The agreed activities with Children are:
- Children’s Clubs support (co-corrucular activities, e.g. life skills development) – 150 children direct beneficiaries and 1200 indirect beneficiaries
- Early Childhood Development (ECD) (children aged 3-5, 145), child friendly classroom for 7 ECD
- Flexible Schooling Program (FSP): 18 conflict victim children benefitting education – continuation
- Sponsorships and scholarships – 200 children Orphanage support (21 children)
The agreed activities with Youths are:
- English Language
- Career Development training and volunteering
- Career Development training “On Youths Hands”
- Vocational Skills Training
The agreed activities with Teachers are:
- ECD Teacher Training – 14 teachers, 2-3 times with regular follow up support
- Primary Teacher Training – 35 teachers- 2-3 times with regular follow up support
- Secondary Teacher Training – 25 teachers, 1 time
- Whole School Management – 1 time