Volunteers conducts Computer Classes for Community Women in Kavresthali
This week, VIN volunteers delivered computer classes for community women in Thali and Kaure. They also offered an additional advanced class, which focused on Excel skills, to two local women who hoped to get jobs in finance. Their introductory computer class focused on basic skills and vocabulary. They showed the women how to open and create a word document. They then practiced typing and formatting a document.
They then practiced writing an email and were taught how to navigate their inbox. They also went over the relevant vocabulary to do with email and general computer jargon.In the next lesson, they demonstrated the various uses of Google, Facebook and YouTube including for educational purposes, such as, learning English, researching and staying in touch with friends and family around the world.
The goal of VIN’s women’s empowerment program is to empower women socially and economically through education, life skills and income generation initiatives. This program includes the following projects; women’s entrepreneurship development, micro credit, education and life skills and research. VIN is implementing a range of lessons in Kavresthali with the help of international volunteers. Feel free to join for the upcoming year in different women empowerment programs of VIN.