Yoga class provided to community women in Kavresthali
Yoga class has been conducted by VIN with supporting by international volunteers for 26 women in Tarkeshwor Municipality -2 Thanti,Simleshwor and Bhandarigaun Kavresthali community. In those community, women were suffering from lot of health problem. So VIN had organized yoga class to consider women’s problem of three different places. The main objectives are to make easy join movement and to increase circulation and to decrease common health problems of community women.
The yoga class was conducted in three different places under VIN yoga volunteering project. The classes was conducted from 9.00am to 10.00am Thanti and second class was conducted from 12.00pm to 1,00pm in Thali and Last class 2.00-3.00 in Bhandarigaun in Monday to Friday. They were taught different type of yoga courses, specially focus on the movement of joints to loosen up and to increase circulation, was a special series to prevent early arthritis and swollen joints. Volunteers worked in the breathing, ujjay Pranayama was used in class for relax propose and increase the concentration. It was encourage at all times to breath while excising.
They were also taught floor postures for stretching the body, standing positions to mobilize the spine and back muscles, balance positions to increase awareness of balance in the body. They were also taught different style of pranayama to calm the mind and to make the blood pulsation to decrease through control of the breath. The yoga class started and finished with mantra chanting for lord shive and gayatri mantra.
The classes was successfully conducted and it helped women to progress in their physical development. The women expressed their appreciation and wished for more yoga programs in future as well.